What Is Acacia Wood?

What Is Acacia Wood?

Have you ever seen an acacia tree? If you've ever watched a movie that was filmed in Africa or Australia, chances are you may have. Acacia often has a distinctive, umbrella-like silhouette that's easily recognized. The Pride Lands of the popular animated movie “The Lion King” were strewn with acacia trees, their silhouettes set against a blazing sunset. A staple of African and Australian landscape, the unique shape of the acacia  tree is visually captivating. But, this is far from acacia’s only intention.


What Is Acacia Wood?

In the wild, acacia offers shade and shelter to wildlife, and its tender, juicy leaves serve as an important food source to the Masai giraffe. Featuring this beautiful and distinctive wood in your home allows you to feel a connection to these faraway, wild places. Because acacia trees grow unusually fast, acacia is a choice tree for commercial growers. If you buy acacia wood that's been certified by the Forest Sustainability Council (FSC), you are consuming a product that has been ethically sourced and is environmentally friendly – so you won’t have to worry about potentially devastating their natural habitat. 


Where Is Acacia Wood Grown?

Our acacia wood is sourced from the Philippines, the archipelagic area off Southeast Asia. It's fast-growing and able to thrive in nearly any type of soil. Acacia wood, when grown in the right conditions also does not require the use of pesticides or fertilizers to flourish.

The acacia products we sell are hand-crafted by our small team of third-generation woodworkers, who carry on a legacy that began in the 1970s. Our artisans still use traditional techniques to create exquisite, heirloom pieces for your home. Each piece is embedded with years of history and experience, and no two pieces are ever alike. It's the attention to detail and uniqueness that give our products authenticity.

Our acacia bowls, for example, are hand-carved works of art, as master craftsmen still use hand tools to turn and hollow the wood. These acacia bowls are more than just a piece of dishware; rather, they are a craft that carries a bit of history and culture. Each time you use this bowl, picture the artist's hands as he labored to create this original heirloom piece for you to cherish with every use.



What Is Acacia Wood Used For?

Acacia is used for everything from flooring to home decor. This wood is exceptionally durable – harder than oak, even – and scratch-resistant. Acacia also has beautiful and intricate wood grains that lend themselves well to decorative wood items such as bowls, salad utensils, ornaments, and more. These home decor pieces made from acacia wood provide a natural, earthy, and exotic feel to your living space. They're deceptively easy to care for, as well. Simply hand wash in warm, soapy water and towel-dry with a soft cloth to keep your acacia wood pieces looking new.




What Color is Acacia Wood?

In its natural state, acacia heartwood varies in color from light brown to a darker red. And these variances can be emphasized by the use of wood stain. Acacia is a warm, attractive wood. It's favored in furniture-making, as sustainable wood flooring, and for cutting boards and other kitchenware. Because it grows so quickly and is a more environmentally friendly choice of wood, as opposed to others, acacia is always in good supply. As a result, it's both affordable and readily available.


Still need some convincing on why you should choose acacia wood? The versatility of acacia makes it perfect for many kitchen and decor purposes and brings an exotic air of adventure to your living space. When you hold acacia in your hands, it's easy to envision a different life – one rife with luxurious sunsets and peaceful expanses of open savannah. You can bring this fine look to your home when you shop online at Acacia Creations. The items we offer are ethically sourced from master craftsmen (who we appreciate greatly and who are paid very fair wages for their unique art). We believe in all things sustainable, and we'd like to share them with you. Visit us online to learn more about the many beautiful treasures we source from around the globe.